wonderful world of Brunei culture

The kingdom of Brunei is truly special as the Brunei nation has been able to observe and make full use of the necessary needs of life from other culture and learning from them. Brunei Darussalam, then as it is now, was an empire of emporium in international products of which the present Brunei is no rival.

The best of the life style that is born from this is the one that shapes the personality of Brunei's heritage that has been handed down today.

On this page, a variety of items, news and activities through out Brunei Daurssalam is depicted. Most often, people think of Brunei as exactly the other Malay nations in Asia until one looks deep.

Apart form knowledge sharing among Brunei Heritage fans, this presnt on apointment workshop, rental of items, sales and rent of vintage pictures, rental of costumes for dance and stage shows, book productions, documentary productions, talks and even exhibition presenting Brunei Darussalam as a nation with character and style, backed with history and personlaised heritage. all matters are by appointments only.

This page also present work oppurtunities for the Tamoi Tengah Heritage Village residents to employments, extra income, work experiences among the unemployed youths as well as heritage preservation that centers around the Mingai Zari that is about 133 years old. Tours, excursion and home stayls are provided. Lunch or dinner in the villae is also caterd by the residents of the village that is totally run by the nationals of Tamoi Tengah Heritage Village. Entry is by appointments only.

Selasa, 8 Februari 2011

heritage information

Heritage information are preserved and shared among the general public and researchers that interested in authentic heritage workshop writing materials as well as objects that are relevant to the Brunei heritage.Sales of book, pictures as well as lessons on heritage are provided in full details all the information are derived form the hearts of Brunei's elderly esperts who are passionate in being just one thing - authentivally Bruneian.

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